April 18, 2012

Scotland with family - Day 1

Day one of my Scotland adventure witth my parents started early in the morning when my brother and I went over to their hotel so that we could all eat breakfast together. After my brother got his first glimpse of a real English breakfast and picking up all our stuff we took of straight in the direction of "The North" (Yes, this is actually what is written on the street signs XD).
We drove on the motorway and stopped by the Lake District. Or we planned to get off at Windermere, missed the exit and had to take the next one. Which is at the top of the Lake District. 20 km past Winderemere. Meaning we had to drive back down to Windermere but that was okay as we got to see the beautiful landscape of the District and enjoy the way that you meet nearly no other car on the little road we took.

Finally we arrived at Windermere. We explored the town a bit and I showed my family where my friends and I went last autumn (minus the boat ride to the other side as we had no time for that). For lunch we went to a little restaurant to get some Fish n' Chips and burgers. The Fish n' Chips was really nice (my mom had that) and the burgers were huge O.o My brother, dad and me all struggled to eat it and I think only my dad and I finished ours.
We then took of again as we wanted to arrive in Dailly (the village where our holiday cottage was) before it was too late.
The funny thing is that you can actually see when you cross the border over to Scotland. It's not only the sign but also the amount of sheep that nearly doubles as soon as you cross it XD
We were merrily on our way, enjoying the view, when we left the motorway and quite literaly were in nowhere. Really as soon as we left it there were small villages and even more sheep everywhere.
At one point we were driving along the road when it suddenly lost one lane (becoming only wide enough to fit one car) and the next moment we were inside an enclosure for the sheep. At first we were discussing if we actually were in one but the discussion was cut short when there were sheep in front of our car with no fence in sight XD
try to find any fences XD

After much excitement from my brother and way too many stops to look at sheep we finally got out of the enclosure just to be inside another one again. This went on for 30 minutes until we arrived at a normal road again XD
But is has to be said that even the normal roads are not as wide or well kept as others we've driven on. So if you ever drive through Scotland be prepared for very narrow roads!
After a long drive we finally arrived at the very, very small village Dailly. (I mean, small enough so that there is only one pub!).
The cottage we got was really nice and spacious. It had 3 bedrooms , one bathroom, an extra toilette, living room and an open kitchen. (We actually got a cottage for 6 people and only lived in it with 4 people so there was really loooots of room XD). Everything was nice and comfy and the kitchen already had some plates, cuttlery, sponges, dishwash and other stuff. So my parents brought many things which we didn't need in the end but that just means more stuff for me when I'm back in my flat ;-D We got comfortable in the house and then jsut relaxed for the rest of the evening. (The cottage had a TV! XD)
That's how the first day went =)


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