April 11, 2012

General things I saw in Scotland

Alrightyyy. Before I give you an account of the things I experienced during the holiday with my family I want to mention some general stuff I saw and learned in Scotland =)

Most important of all: Scotland has more sheep than any country I've every seen before XD They are everywhere! On the fields, on the streets, inbetween fields and streets, in front yards and even on some random sheep on the top of mountains with no others anywhere close XD I thinks this is amazing as I love fluffly sheep *__* Expecially as there were lots of little lambs during the time we were there and they were so cute :3 Always running and jumping around jollily and follwoing they're mother when she moved =D

Another animal that is present nearly everywhere and in big amounts are pheasants. Yes, you're read right, bright, colourfull pheasants everywhere XD Between sheep and on the street. They are really beautiful but quite stupid XD My brother and father tried to catch some and they nearly got one with their bare hands O.o Stupid birds. They reminded me of dodos as they have nearly no fear of cars. Of humans yes, well somewhat, but not of cars. My mother nearly killed one by driving over it but stopped right in time. Though not even honking could get the bird to move O.o So my dad and brother once again stepped out of the car and tried to catch a pheasant XD There actually is a hunting season from October 1 to February 1. I think my dad and brother want to come back during that time as they really want one of those colourfull feathers. I have to admit I wouldn't say no to a nice pheasant feather either.

Other animals also seemed to dislike their fields so we saw them on or next to the street pretty often. The animals ranged from cats and dogs to cows and horses XD

 Something else that ought to be mentioned are the hedges. They are always perfectly cut, Always and anywhere! It was quite disturbing to see perfectly cut hedges somewhere on the top of a mountain were only sheep live XD We had theories ranging from sheep that eat hedges to make them seem cut to hedges that just grow in that form XD In the end it is just a quirk of the Scots that they want their hedges nice and orderly as, otherwise, they would have overgrown hedges everywhere. That's their opinion. It is nice to look at but a reason for me not to move to the coutryside of Scotland as I hate gardening XD I would be the shame of the whole village with overgrown hedges and not mowed garden.

Oh another thing worth mentioning that is connected to animals is the fact that some streets go right through enclosures. At one random moment there is a sign telling you that you're entering an enclosure and the next moment you're surrounded by sheep XD I loved it *__* The sheep were so close! Though they wouldn't let us touch them. They have quite an interesting way of reacting. They totally ignore cars and horns but as soon as a window scrolls down they look at you and are wary XD It was a really interesting experience and my brother quite accuratly compared the feeling to a safari tour with only sheep XD The fact that only one car could fit on the street and the passing places were few and inbetween seemed to support this statement =D

Another intersting thing are the dead moles on some of the fences in the very rural areas. Yes, you're read right. Dead moles strung up by their feet on fences surrounding the sheep fields. They were not everywhere and we only saw them while following really small roads through some mountain areas and off the tourist routes. I read up on it and it seems to be an old tradition of the groundskeepers to show that they're doing their job. I have to admit, as gruesome as it might look for some, it is an effective way to prove to everyone that you're doing your job. And the moles were not disfigured or anything just dead and hanging there. It amazes me that they even got to catch them without any big, ovious wounds as I can imagine that's not easy.

All in all Scotland is really a beautiful country with lots of interesting quirks. Especially in the rural areas =D The mountains and sea are just as picturesque as the castles and ruins you can find everywhere! Even the small village we stayed at (around 1000 residents) had a castle ruin and a huge old manor in a 10 minutes walking distance. Most of the forests seem bewitched and magical and the lochs really make you belive there could be a monster in them =D Especially when there's no wind but you see a hugle ripple on the surface by the deep parts of the lake!

Oh and a thing that I enjoyed very much was the fact that I got to watch Merlin on TV *___* Quote of myself: It's like watching on the internet! But without buffering! And it's legal! 
This stemmed from the fact that I only saw it on the german TV or on internet streams before. I just love the english voices of the actors. The german dubs on TV don't quite fit in my opinion. This is totally normal for others who have a TV here but as I don't have one I was quite excited to watch Merlin, Scrubs and other series on the Scottish/English TV XD

That's all about the general things I saw in Scottland. Anything I forgot to mention will be mentioned in the following entries, if I can think of something that I missed XD Otherwise just look forward to more stories about not only crazy me in Scotland but with the support of my just as crazy family ;-D


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