August 16, 2012

Ich wünsche mir von buttinette...

Nun kommt mal wieder ein Eintrag auf Deutsch  bevor ich endlich den Rest meines Englandaufenthalts blogge :)
Bei buttinette ist zur Zeit in Gewinnspiel am Laufen und ich nehme natürlich teil in der Hoffnung zu gewinnen ;-)

Daher wünsche ich mir von buttinette...

1. Ein großes Nähkästchen
   Dieses Nähkästchen würde es mir endlich ermöglichen mein ganzes Nähzubehör wieder ordentlich zu lagern nachdem mir mein letztes Plastikkästchen während eines Umzuges kaputt gegangen ist.

2. Ein Rollschneider von Prym
  Auf das ich meinen Stoff von nun an gerader zuschneiden kann als bisher mit meiner Schere. Besonders bei den für dieses Jahr noch geplanten Kimonos.

3. Ein Präzisionsmesser Set
 Damit ich in den Ecken und an schwierigen Stellen sauberer Arbeiten kann als bisher. Als Set damit keine scharfen Messer herumliegen falls doch einmal die Katzen sich ins Nähzimmer verirren. Sie wären für ein relativ detailreiches Kostüm dieses Jahr sehr hilfreich.

4. Eine Revolverlochzange
  Einfach, weil ich schon ewig eine haben will aber nie dazu komme sie zu kaufen und sie doch immer wieder brauche. Besonder für die demnächst geplanten Taschen und einige Kostüme.

5. Die Heißklebepistole "Wireless"
 Damit ich schöne Verzierungen endlich einfacher und ordentlicher an meine Basteleien anbringen kann bzw. die Basteleien selbst erstellen kann.

Gesamtwert der Wunschliste (wenn ich mich nicht verrechnet habe):  66,75 Euro


May 6, 2012

England and its signs

I think it's still hilarious what kind of sign you can find here in England XD
Some I found and remembered to take a picture of:
this was right next to the traffic light! XD

the small print! If doors are closed please do not try to get in XD
thanks for warning me of the delays XD Because I wouldn't have noticed them otherwise XD

Why by 200 g of chocolate for 60 pence when you can by it in one bar for 89 pence! XD

May 4, 2012


Sometimes it's not easy to trust others but this here in Preston gave me a boost to trust people more =D

These are books the shop that is inseide that building is selling. There is a little sign next to the books that asks customers to pay for the books inside =) Apparently the system works =D


May 1, 2012

Funny German

Okay this entry is mostly for the germans that read this blog. I found this nice sign in the library:
It's supposed to say: "Do you have children's books?" in German but instead it says "Do you have children beech?" XD
You get the gist but it's still funny XD

April 29, 2012

Harry Potter Chocolate Frogs

As most people know I am a huge Harry Potter addict so this weekend I went and made some chocolate frogs =D Sadly they cannot jump but at least they taste nice =D


- 2 hands full of jelly frogs
- 120 gramm chocolate (milk chocolate, around 40 % cocoa)
- 1 teaspoon sunflower oil

Total time: 2 hours (but I had a lot of frogs XD)


1. Melt the chocolate in a hot water bath and add the sunflower oil. 
 Be careful that the chocolate doesn't get too hot as it will cool down with a white film otherwise. It won't be bad or anything, it just won't look nice.
The sunflower oil lets the chocolate shine when it's cooled down but don't add too much as nobody wants their chocolate to taste like sunflower oil ;-D

2. Dip in each frog and put it on a rack to cool down. 

my army of frogs XD
In this step you'll have to be careful to not let the frogs stay in teh chocolate for too long. This is important as they are made out of jelly and if they stay in the hot chocolate for too long they might look like this:
yes, I mean the mess in the middle of the picture!
3. Put the rack in the fridge for about an hour. 
 During that time you can print out the boxes and start folding and glueing =D
I used the box design from Gaddia and just changed it around on some boxes to get more variety =) If you're interested in the other boxes designs just leave a comment and I'll upload them too =)

After and hour you can take the frogs from the rack and put them into the boxes =D
The normal box design is a little too big for just one frog so I made smaller ones too that are perfect for just one frog ;-D
all different box designs, gaddia's on the left 

I gave the frogs to some friends and my room mate to try and everyone liked them =D
I think it's a great thing if you just want to have something small to give to someone, especially the smaller boxes =D
Hope you'll enjoy chocolate frogs too! =D
