February 11, 2012

A very late pre-christmas London post - part1

Sorry for being so inactive again v.v
As my apology I give you some pictures of Hannas and my pre-christmas London trip.
It all started late in october when I bugged everyone about wanting to go to London in the christmas time. Most of the others wanted to go to but sadly they didn't have the time.
In the end (one week before my depature) it looked like I actually had to go there all on my own. I was anxious and afraid to get lost in the big city. In the end I was lucky as Hanna decided to go with me =D yay ^.^
We booked the hostel and our bus tickets (cheaper than train ;-D) and decided to take the busses in the night.
So at 1:15 a.m. we met in front of our hall and went off to the buis station to catch our bus at 2 a.m. As anticipated we were way to early and we were afraid to be at the wrong bus station as nobody else was there and we couldn't find the right bus slot.
Thanks to a very nice security man at the bus station we found our bus slot and waited for the bus to come. At that point we realized that we might have a different way to tackle uncertainties: Hanna plans everything through (to the minute!) and checks everything twice to be sure it's okay. I am more of a lazy person and let things just go the way they are XD So while Hanna makes sure we get somewhere I make sure she doesn't go crazy with worrying.
When the bus came (10 min. late and Hanna close to a panic attack) we got onto it and finally could get some sleep until we would arrive in London (scheduled at 7 a.m.). As soon as I sat down next to a nice girl I didn't know I fell asleep. Later on one of the most funniest moments of my life happened though I couldn't appriciate it in that moment. It roughly went like this:

Thym: *snore*
Girl (next to me): Excuse me. We're in Birmingham.
Thym: *half asleep* Oh that's nice. *Turn around*
Girl: No please. Excuse me. We're arriving in Birmingham.
Thym: *Cracks open eye* Yeah. But I have to get off in London. *Turns around again and falls asleep*
Girl: *shakes my shoulder* No. We're in Birmingham and I have to get off here!
Thym: *half awake* Oh sorry. *stands up and falls over to the person on the other side of the aisle (who luckily is Hanna having a laughing fit)*
Girl: *somewhere between annoyed and amused* Thanks. 
Girl gets of the bus and I sit down on her place. Hanna sits next to me and I just fall asleep again.

Thinking about it know makes it seem pretty funny but I still feel sorry for the girl that sat next to me. She must have believed me to be so rude...
Finally at 7 am we arrived in London! =D It was great ^^ even though it was super cold!  So we started our adventure at a coffee shop XD
After that we went to the Big Ben and other tourist points so we would be there before the main mass of people would come. It was so great! Blue sky, nearly no people and all the time we wanted!! =D
Here are some pictures of our adventures:

After wandering around a little bit we decided to got to the tower of London and the Tower Bridge. It just is a must do on a London trip XD
At this point I was so glad that we got ourselves some underground tickets! The walking would have killed me otherwise XD
When we arrived at the back of the Tower we were quite hungry an decided to take a little breakfast break. At this point I was so glad that Hanna thinks things through and actually had some sandwiches and they were delicious! =D Lucky me XD
Afterwards we took of th the Tower Bridge which I faintly remembered from my last visit in London.
The Bridge was very impressive and I long to see it actually open one day! Next to the stairs that led up to the bridge I saw a sign and decided to read it (go figure XD) and it has potential for a horror or criminal book O.o It was about the Dead Man's Hole and well.. just read for yourself:
After walking over the bridge and back again we toured around the Tower of London. When I saw the entrance prices I tok my wish back to enter it and we decided (or more acureatly I wanted) to got to the Buckingham Palace to see the guards. But first some pictures of the Bridge and the Tower:

A small door we found right on the bridge. It was even smaller than I XD

These lions looked strangely real O.o Whoever made them really captured their movements perfectly.

After finishing the tower we went through the underground to the Hyde Park to take a look at the winter wonderland there.


It looked really impressive but we decided to come back later to enjoy it without our luggage which we still had with us at this point.
While we discussed if we should take the tube or walk to Buckingham Palace we spotted a parade of horses. And not jsut ordinary horses but something like a royal group of riders on their way somewhere. Forgetting about Buckingham Palace we decided to follow them. I mean really. Who can resist the sight of this:
Sadly a pedestrian is not as fast as horses so we lost them after a few minutes (helping them was the fact that they got to ignore traffic lights) but we tried to follow at a distance and viola XD we ended up at Buckingham Palace. I think Hanna knew where we were going but was so considerate not to destroy my excitement about folloowing some horses somewhere unknown XD. On our way I found this:
I love it XD
When we arrived at Buckingham Palace I saw the guards and felt sorry for them. It was so cold and they had to stand there for most of the time and just be bored. Honor or not. That must be pretty boring. Funnily enough we met some germans in front of the palace and talked for a little bit XD I think I have some kind of aura around me that screams foreigner or german. How else could people always know?

After this we went to our hostel and left our backpacks there so we had more space to move ^^
Then we went to Harrods. Harrods..... I don't  know what to say about it. In my opinion it is above most descriptions so I won't even try it but show you some of the pictures I took:
cupcakes *__*

After a lot of shopping (in my opinion) we went back to the hostel, dropped of our shopping bags and went to the museum. I am sorry but I love museums XD I just hope that Hanna was not all to bored in there as I went straight to the medical history section. Sadly we only had half an hour before the museum closed so we had to rush through but it was still a lot of fun for me. I really hope to get the chance to got there again!
After the museum we just walked through the evening London and let it do it's magic on us =D Here, I'll share some with you ;-D

After walking through all this we were knackered and just wanted something to eat and then go to sleep. After looking for what felt like forever we got some japanese curry and sushi and basically way to much food but we felt so starved XD
This was just my share. Lots, and lots of rice with even more tofu curry (not spicy according to the employee but she lied. It was super spicy for me -.-), sushi (which was great!), an onigiri with something in it (I forgot) and pancakes filled with anko and green tea (one each). It all tasted good but was way to much food XD Hanna had the same problem and in the end we actually had to through some away. That really felt bad.
Afterwards we went to bed and that's how our first day in London ended. =D

1 comment:

  1. Wie, zu viel Essen für dich?!
    Und das im Bus ist typisch du XD Aber ich sehe ihr habt aufem Weg zur Bushalte keine Werwölfe getroffen XD
