November 15, 2011

Manchester and curry-a-thon

About Manchester XD

Well our trip there was really short as it was only a day trip for shopping ^^ Hanna actually planned the whole trip and Oli was so nice to drive us there with his car, which he actually brought from Germany! It is really funny seeing the way people react when the steering wheel is on the other side of the car XD
On the way to Manchester I fell asleep pretty fast as I can just never manage to stay awake in a car XD It was still pretty funny and after nearly getting lost in Manchester after some driving around in circles we finally found the Arndale Shopping Center. I have to say it is huge O.o The structure itself is pretty easy to understand (it's a square) but just the amount of people and shops baffled me! People everywhere XD
After walking around for a few minutes Hanna mentioned that, by chance, our friends Katy and Ashley were at the Arndale Center, too! I phoned and texted them and after a few tries we got in to contact with them and could decide to meet outside a store ^.^ Of course we wouldn't just wait around like that so we decided to hit the first store while waiting for the others ;-D Sorry we're just girl ^^ (well and Oli but he was really patient, and I think he actually had a good time too while we both made fun of the clothes in the stores XD)
After meeting the others we decided to just walk around a little and see where the shopping gods would take us XD
We went into quite a few shops, looked around a lot, split up, meet up again and spilt up again XD It was really nice to just go with the flow and see what happened XD Well... it was fun until I got hungry XD But then we got some delicious Ben and Jerry's Ice cream and just walked around some more.
In Arndale Center there are, as I said, quite a few great shops but for germans there are also two shops that are really funny XD
druckers actually means printers in german XD

Bhs means is an abbreviation of bra in german XD
As you can guess both shops had nothing to do with their german meanings XD But it was still really funny to see XD
After walking around some more we went outside the shopping center and walked a short way through Manchester. I have no clue why we started walking but I was really happy when I got myself a burger on the way back XD Finally some real food ^.^ We spilt up again outside the shopping center and Hanna, Oli and I decided to get back to the car and drive home. 
When we got into the car and drove down the parking center we realized at the end that english parking centers are not build for german cars XD The slot to give the card back is on the side of the front passenger XD 
On our way back out of the city I managed to stay awake and while we took and extra tour around Manchester (yes... sooo planned XDDD, we totally didn't get lost again XD) I took some pictures from around the city. I just love the way the old buildings are intermingled with new ones!
here are some pictures from around the city:
just gotta love christmas decoration in october XD

Just before we got back on the motorway I saw this sign and I have to say it is probably the most disgusting thing I ever heard about... But it sounds like something truly british XD

After we got back to Preston Oli was so nice to cook a curry for Hanna and me and we just hung around and talked that evening =D It was really nice and funny and one of the evenings I'll definitivly remember =D

The next day we met up again and this time we cooked our own curry ^^
We did a japanese curry rice and some mocchi for desert ^^ I think everyone pretty much liked the curry but the sesame mocchi weren't everyones thing XD As I am addicted to both I just loved that meal XD

That's pretty much everything about Manchester and the following curry marathon (which I like to call curry-a-thon ) xD


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